One: I freakin' LOVE to type... and, yes, I've been told that it's strange that I love typing so much.
Two: When I was a child, a doctor told my mom that I was allergic to milk, so I had to eat cereal with orange juice on it instead of milk. I don't recommend it.
Three: I have extremely brittle fingernails. Ew.
Four: The first three cars I ever owned were blue and I actually really hate blue cars.
Five: My spine curves ever so slightly to the right. Ya, it's scoliosis.
Six: We don't own a functional oven, so we 'cook' with our counter-top toaster oven. A lot.
Seven: I really enjoy my privacy so I don't like to reveal much about myself.
OH MY, I've made myself sound like such a freak! A brittle-nailed, spine-curved victim of milk allergies who also loves to type but hates blue cars. Hilarious. Is it fair to tag people I already know? Well, I'm going to tag a few people I already know since I'm such a rule-breaker. And, can I just say, this was a lot of work! Whew. Time for nap.
The rules of Blog Tagging are:
1) Link to your tagger and list these rules on your blog.
2) Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
3) Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blog.
4) Let them know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
The Search For Nicole
Copacetic Zine
Esthetic / Aesthetic
Bread & Honey
Adventures of Minco
The Search For Nicole
Copacetic Zine
Esthetic / Aesthetic
Bread & Honey
Adventures of Minco
interesting, now i know what tagged means :)
I love reading tagged posts, they are usually quite comical - yours- case in point.
I think we all feel a little weird when it's out there in black and white and on the interwebs no less!
I too love to type. Suprisingly enough, I have exceptionally neat handwriting-I just prefer typing!
good post! orange juice on cereal...that idea may have just traumatized me. ewww :)
did you do that flower.I liked it immensly.
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