Anyway, in my e-mail inbox today was a photo that solved a mystery for me (a photo featuring two of my fave things: a Jonathan Adler product and a COOL plant). For years, I've been incorrectly calling the plant cyclamen when it is actually oxalis. How did I mix that up?
I associate this plant with the beginning of my relationship with J. He had one of these plants when I first met him... so that's why I love oxalis. { photo: jonathanadler.com }
I´m impressed you know any names at all. I think I can recognize a bamboo...:)
Hmm. I've always called that one a clover... This is why I don't eat plants when I'm out in the wilderness.
Semi-related, and maybe you know, but there's a little shop on 24th and Thurman called Oxalis. I haven't been in yet but received a clever, lovely gift from there. I think it's a typical NW PDX shop, with clever, lovely items in stock for home etc. Owned by friends of my sister's or I'd probably not know about it.
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