My interpretation of this can be summed up by that lovely old concept of 'No Regrets'. Or maybe, more accurately, my tea tag is telling me I should have reverence for my past. I have to be honest, though, I've never been able to decide if subscribing to the 'No Regrets' philosophy is strong and noble OR a complete and total cop-out.
I definitely regret some of my past choices. Right now I'm grappling with a few that greatly affected my career path (path? more like career ditch). I wish I had done a few things differently, which is to be expected.
I don't want to miss the point that my yogi (in tea-tag form) is trying to make; I may not like what has happened in my past but I will have to make peace with it in order to make room for the possibilities of the future. And that, my friends, is a challenging task.
P.S. ...in the most creepy coincidence, as I was typing this blog post, a character in a movie on t.v. said, "It's not about what happened in the past, or what you think might happen in the future. It's about the ride... there is no point in going through all this crap, if you're not going to enjoy the ride."
I like to subscribe to the idea that "there are no coincidences"...maybe your creepy coincidence wasn't just a coincidence. Perhaps you should open up to what the Universe is trying to tell you.
That's my yoga teacher side talking. lol The rest of me just says...oooohhh.
Sounds like lovely tea. I used to spend a lot of time on regret, but I find as I get older, the more content I am with where my choices have taken me. It's no longer a case of, "if only", but sometimes I do wonder "what if"...
lovely words i also love the mugs!
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