It's possible that I might be THE BIGGEST nerd on the planet. My significant other gave me a bunch of binder clips the other day, in all my favorite colors, and I was positively giddy about them. It's safe to say that I was more excited about these binder clips than I would have been had he presented a bouquet of flowers – although flowers would have been nice, too. *wink wink*
I love office supplies! Especially supplies that just sit around and look pretty (and supplies that don't remind me of the actual work that I should be doing). Hey, so did you know that binder clips were invented in 1911? I had to look that up.
Congrats on having a significant other that would give you a strange item that you LOVE♥
While I don't share your affinity for office supplies...I too get excited about the strangest things
I must say... those clips are a lovely colour. Isn't it awesome when they know the small things that you adore? :P
Heidi, I LOVE you. I love that the smallest things excite us... pretty things, that is! I would be equally as elated if my partner (IF i had one) would give me something so thoughtful. He knows you well!! And what a great photo!
not a nerd! I'm an office supply junkie too!
I know exactly how you feel -- it's exciting when the stuff you use everyday is pretty
I totally agree!
those are such great color palette!
I love checking out the 'tools' section in Staples...thumbtacks, files, clips, staplers, ahhhh
Oooo colors. I love office supplies too, I thought I was the only one ;)
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